The modern family home should have all the bells and whistles,
and while parents are often treated to a space just for
themselves in new home builds, what about the kids
Outside of their bedrooms, children need a shared breakout space to relax in front of a movie, do homework, hang out friends or just play ... somewhere they can make a mess, and they can tidy it up later on. Many home designs and builders are now including children's retreat areas in their designs and essentially these are living zones close to bedrooms and away from line of sight of the main living space - so you don't need to see their mess as you, or guests, walk through your home.
Whether you have young children in need of a playroom or teenagers wanting their own personal space , the kids' retreat is a great inclusion as it takes the clutter (and technology) away from bedrooms, and gives kids a dedicated place of their own. From light and bright shared spaces to cosy nook retreats.
When there's a whole level for children's bedrooms and a living room at the end of the hall - and mum and dad's bedroom is upstairs - this will be a dedicated zone for children and teens. You might hear the kids during school holidays, but you won't see them in Sarah Homes· Roberts 2-Storey design. An added bonus is the games room opens up to the backyard. so once they've watched a movie. they can head outdoors for a game of cricket. Meanwhile adults can entertain upstairs on the large veranda while kids keep to themselves in this largely self-contained level (there's also a bathroom and toilet downstairs)."
25-Mar-18 - The Sunday Mail Home Magazine
For more information about the house in this story please look at the Roberts 225.